Business solutions » Ivy Charging Network

Business solutions.

Electrify the future with Ivy.

As the world focuses on tackling climate change, the transportation sector is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating a sustainable future for us all. Meeting the increasing consumer demand for electric vehicles (EVs) means providing customers and employees with reliable, convenient EV charging infrastructure. And that’s where Ivy comes in.

Red Kia electric vehicle charging at level 3 electric vehicle charger.

Become a site host.

With Level 3 charging for quick top-ups and Level 2 destination charging for longer stays, Ivy offers diverse EV charging solutions designed for all business environments. We work closely with businesses and tailor solutions that perfectly align with your company’s needs and sustainability targets.

Licensed electrical contractor talking to customer about home charging solution that is mounted on top of a shed.

Partner for home charging.

With 70% of charging occurring at home, every ZEV owner needs a reliable level 2 charger. Ivy is the only network in Ontario providing a home charger with professional installation, and access to public charging. As an Ivy Home partner, we'll set you up with all the tools for successful EV sales.

Our site partners.

Access funding and incentives.

Various incentives and rebates are available for businesses that promote EV charging options, helping to offset the installation and operational costs. With Ivy, you can benefit from these funding opportunities and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Contact us.

If you’re interested in offering the best EV charging experience, please complete the form below.

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